american gas & chemical co. ltd.
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Quality Mission
To exceed customer expectations.

A business exists for one primary reason: to create and maintain customers. For a business to sustain itself and grow it must meet customer expectations. Price alone, delivery alone, service alone, product alone is inadequate to meet customer needs. To be successful we must provide our customers superior value in all of these area all the time.

Quality Commitment
To provide safe, effective and reliable products and services that perform as advertised, are free of defects, are delivered as promised and meet or exceed all stated and implied customer needs and expectations.

  • To continually reviewing and improving as well as maintaining the quality of the products and services we offer.

  • To develop and supply products that meet our employee's customer's and community's health, safety and environmental needs.

  • To prevent delivery to the customer of poor quality products or services.

  • To eliminate waste and cost added work in all areas.

  • To promote good internal customer service and a hassle free environment for its employees.

  • To a high standard of fairness and ethics in dealing with employees, its customers, its suppliers and its community.

  • To seek participation, involvement and contributions from all employees.

  • To continuous training of its employees so that their skills can be maintained and improved.

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Copyright ©2024 American Gas & Chemical Co. Ltd., 220 Pegasus Avenue, Northvale, N.J. 07647-1977, U.S.A. 1-800-288-3647 or 1-201-767-7300 * fax: 201-767-1741 * purchase products from: